천일문 17-3



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천일문 영문  /  내 직독직해 방식  /  일반 해석





이 세트의 단어 (6)
The government spent three times as much money on national defense as last year.
정부는 세 배만큼 많은 돈을 지출했다 / 국방에 / 작년보다.

The task took only half as long as I had expected.
그 일은 겨우 잘반만큼 시간이 걸렸다 / 내가 예상했던 것보다.

Through SNS, celebrities' words spread more than twice as fast as those of ordinary people.
SNS를 통해, / 유명 연예인들의 말은 퍼져나간다 / 두 배 이상 더 빠르게 / 일반 사람들의 그것보다.

A report showed that children who skip breakfast are twice as likely to be overweight as children who eat breakfast.
한 연구는 보여주었다 / 아침을 거르는 아이들이 / 두 배로 과체중이 될 가능성이 있다고 / 아침을 먹은 아이들보다.

The air pollution level in Beijing is at least three times higher than the World Health Organization's "safe" level.
베이징의 대기 오염 수치는 / 최소한 세 배 더 높다 / 세계보건기구의 '안전' 수치보다.

The part of an iceberg that is below the surface of the ocean is about nine times larger than the part that is above the water.
빙산의 부분은 / [바다의 수면 아래에 있는] / 약 아홉 배 더 크다 / 물 위에 있는 부분보다.

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