천일문 6-1(281~287)

김기훈샘의 천일문 내용입니다.

초보지만 직독직해에 도움되도록 해석해 보았습니다. 

여러분의 댓글과 응원이 질 좋은 포스팅을 유지하도록 하는 힘입니다!^^


(짧고 질 좋은 문장으로 독해를 연습하는 것은 참 좋은 방법입니다.

책에 직접 해석을 써가며 공부해보는 것을 추천드립니다.)




281. All things are won by industry. 

282. A smile with direct eye contact is welcomed everywhere. 

283. All human interactions are improved by the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. 

284. A celebrity in Hollywood got arrested for shoplifting last week. 

285. He was given a fine for parking his car in the wrong place. 

286. I was offered a scholarship because I had gotten top marks in all my subjects. 

287. I was told that a terrible accident had happened. 



281. All things are won by industry. 

모든것은 얻어진다 근면에서(으로)

282. A smile with direct eye contact is welcomed everywhere. 

웃음 ((~을 가진) 직접적 눈맞춤을 가진) 은 /(~이다) 환영받는다. 모든곳에서

283. All human interactions are improved by the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. 

모든 인간 상호작용 향상된다 /(~에 의해) 능력에 의해/ (어떤 능력이냐면) 밀어넣을 너 자신을 다른 사람의 신발에.

284. A celebrity in Hollywood got arrested for shoplifting last week. 

유명인 할리우드의/ 체포되었다 샵리프팅으로 지난주에.

285. He was given a fine for parking his car in the wrong place.

그는 받게되었다 파인을 / (~때문에)주차한것 때문에/ 그의차를/ 잘못된 장소에/ 


286. I was offered a scholarship because I had gotten top marks in all my subjects. 

나는 제공받았다 장학금 (~때문에) 내가 받았기때문에 탑 마크들을 ~에서 나의 모든 과목에서

287. I was told that a terrible accident had happened. 

나는 들었다 (that이하라고) 끔찍한 사건이 발생했다 라고.






모든 것은 근면에 의해서 얻어진다. 
281. All things are won by industry. 

눈을 직접 마주치며 짓는 미소는 / 어디에서나 환영받는다. 
282. A smile with direct eye contact is welcomed everywhere. 

인간의 모든 상호 작용은 / 능력에 의해 향상된다 / 자신이 다른 사람의 입장이 되어 보는. 
283. All human interactions are improved by the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. 

할리우드의 한 유명 연예인이 / 가게 물건을 훔쳐 체포되었다 / 지난주에. 
284. A celebrity in Hollywood got arrested for shoplifting last week. 

그는 벌금을 부과받았다 / 그의 차를 주차했다는 이유로 / 부적당한 장소에. 
285. He was given a fine for parking his car in the wrong place. 

나는 장학금을 받았다 // 최고점을 받았기 때문에 / 모든 과목에서. 
286. I was offered a scholarship because I had gotten top marks in all my subjects. 

나는 들었다 // 끔찍한 사고가 났다고. 
287. I was told that a terrible accident had happened. 

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