천일문 5-4

천일문 기본

김김훈 선생님의 천일문입니다.

짧고 좋은 문장들이라 직독직해 연습용으로 활용해보시면 좋을거에요~!

매일 한 파트씩 보시는거 추천드려봅니다.

큰 도움이 될거에요~!


I'm very satisfied to have tried many kinds of sports last year.
나는 매우 만족스럽다 / 작년에 많은 종류의 스포츠를 시도해 본 것이.

He admitted having made a serious mistake.
그는 인정했다 / 심각한 실수를 저릴렀음을.

The prime suspect claimed to have "passed" the lie detector tests.
그 유력한 용의자는 주장했다 / 거짓말 탐지기 테스트를 '통과했다'고.

We hoped to have completed the investigation by the end of last year.
우리는 기대했다 / 그 조사를 완료하기를 / 적년 말까지는.

You're not the only one to have complained about the change in policy.
당신이 유일한 사람은 아니다 / 정책 변화에 대해 불평한.

I'm pretty proud of having completed a marathon myself.
나는 매우 자랑스럽다 / 마라톤을 완주한 것이 / 바로 내가.

Having once failed doesn't mean that you're going to fail at everything.
한 번 실패한 것이 / 의미하지는 않는다 / 당신이 모든 일에 실패하게 될 거라는 것을.

274. I'm very satisfied to have tried many kinds of sports last year.

275. He admitted having made a serious mistake.

276. The prime suspect claimed to have "passed" the lie detector tests.

277. We hoped to have completed the investigation by the end of last year.

278. You're not the only one to have complained about the change in policy.

279. I'm pretty proud of having completed a marathon myself.

280. Having onece failed doesn't mean that you're going to fail at everything.

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