천일문 88~96 직독직해 연습(2-5)



It took me 40 years to write my first book.

내게 40년이 걸렸다 / 나의 첫 책을 쓰는 데.


It seems that the medicine helps his recovery.

~인 것 같다 / 그 약이 그의 회복에 도움이 되는 것.


It snowed in the Sahara desert for 30 minutes on the 18th of February, 1979.

사하라 사막에 눈이 내렸다 / 30분 동안 / 1979년 2월 18일에.


How far is it from here to the nearest subway station?

여기서 얼마나 먼가요 / 가장 가까운 지하철역까지?


It didn't seem that they were close friends.

~인 것 같지는 않았다 / 그들이 친한 친구인 것.


It's Monday morning, and there's a long week ahead of us.

월요일 아침이다, / 그리고 긴 한 주가 잇다 / 우리 앞에는.


It's really noisy in here, so speak a little louder.

이 안이 정말 시끄럽다, / 그러니 조그맘ㄴ 더 크게 말해라.


It appears to me that Susan has lost her temper.

내겐 ~인 듯하다 / Susan이 화가 난 것.


To my surprise, it happened that I got an A in math.

놀랍게도, / 우연히 ~했다 / 나는 수학에서 A를 받았다.


It took me 40 years to write my first book.


It seems that the medicine helps his recovery.


It snowed in the Sahara desert for 30 minutes on the 18th of February, 1979.


How far is it from here to the nearest subway station?


It didn't seem that they were close friends.


It's Monday morning, and there's a long week ahead of us.


It's really noisy in here, so speak a little louder.


It appears to me that Susan has lost her temper.


To my surprise, it happened that I got an A in math.


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