천일문 60 ~ 68 직독직해 연습(2-2)



That she likes you is certain.

(= It is certain that she likes you.)

그녀가 너를 좋아하는 것은 / 확실하다.


Whether you will succeed or not in the future depends on your will.

네가 미래에 성공할 것이냐 그렇지 않느냐는 / 너의 의지에 달려 있다.


What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.

네가 오늘 하는 일이 / 너의 미래 전체를 향상시킬 수 있다.


Sometimes what looks like bad luck may not be so bad.

때때로 / 불운처럼 보이는 것이 / 그렇게 나쁘지 않을지도 모른다.


Who our next-door neighbors will be is my mom's biggest concern.

누가 우리 옆집 이웃이 될 것인가는 / 우리 엄마의 가장 큰 관심사이다.


How the universe began cannot be explained clearly.

우주가 어떻게 시작되었는지는 / 명확히 설명 될 수 없다.


In making a proposal, why you want to achieve your purpose should be clear and logical.

제안을 할 때는, / 애 당신이 당신의 목적을 달성하고 싶은지가 / 명확하고 논리적이어야 한다.


Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.

너에게 남의 험담을 들려 준 사람은 누구든지 / 너에 대해서도 험담하리라.


Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.

분노로 시작된 것은 무엇이든지 / 수치상으로 끝난다.


That she likes you is certain.

(= It is certain that she likes you.)


Whether you will succeed or not in the future depends on your will.


What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.


Sometimes what looks like bad luck may not be so bad.


Who our next-door neighbors will be is my mom's biggest concern.


How the universe began cannot be explained clearly.


In making a proposal, why you want to achieve your purpose should be clear and logical.


Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.


Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.


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