천일문 79~87 직독직해 연습(2-4)



It is necessary for us to recycle waste.

우리가 (~하는 것은) 필요하다 / 쓰레기를 재활용하는 것이.


Real leaders make space for others to shine.

진정한 리더들은 공간을 만즐어준다 / 다른 사람들이 빛날.


It is impossible for us to make progress without practicing every day.

우리가 (~하는 것은) 불가능하다 / 진전을 이루는 것은 / 매일 연습하지 않고서.


It is illegal for people to sell alcoholic beverages to anyone under 19.

사람들이 (~하는 것은) 불법이다 / 알코올음료를 파는 것은 / 19세 미만의 누구에게든.


He has created a special spot for his cat to go play outside.

그는 특별한 장소를 만들었다 / 자신의 고양이가 밖에서 놀 수 있는.


It was careless of you to lose your umbrella again.

너는 조심성이 없었구나 / 우산을 또 잃어버리다니.


It was rude of him to go away without saying goodbye.

그는 무례했어 / 작별인사도 하지 않고서 가버리다니.


It is considerate of you not to want to trouble others.

너는 사리가 깊구나 / 다른 사람들에게 폐를 끼차기를 원하지 않으니.


It's very generous of you to offer financial help for the elderly who live alone.

당신은 정말로 후하시네요 / 재정적인 도움을 주시다니 / 어르신들을 위해 / 혼자 사시는.

79. It is necessary for us to recycle waste.

80. Real leaders make space for others to shine.

81. It is impossible for us to make progress without practicing every day.

82. It is illegal for people to sell alcoholic beverages to anyone under 19.

83. He has created a special spot for his cat to go play outside.

84. It was careless of you to lose your umbrella again.

85. It was rude of him to go away without saying goodbye.

86. It is considerate of you not to want to trouble others.

87. It's very generous of you to offer financial help for the elderly who live alone.


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