천일문 166~176 직독직해 연습 (3-6)



The sun is shining brightly behind the clouds.

태양은 밝게 빛나고 있다 / 구름 뒤에서.

(= 고생 끝에 낙이 온다.)


Don't be afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

더디게 성장하는 것을 두려워하지 마라 / 가만히 멈춰 서 있는 것만 두려워해라.


In traveling abroad, it is necessary to know something of foreign customs.

해외여행을 할 때, / (~)이 필요하다 / 외국의 관습을 어느 정도 아는 것이.


Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.

인간은 고집하는 것처럼 보인다 / 교훈을 무시해야 한다고 / 역사로부터 이용 가능한(얻을 수 있는).


People increasingly object to using animals for the testing of cosmetics.

사람들은 점점 더 반대한다 / 동물을 사용하는 것을 / 화장품 실험을 위해.


Working parents are busy balancing their work and home responsibilities.

일하는 부모님들은 ~하느라 바쁘다 / 자신들의 일과 가정의 책임들 사이에서 균형을 이루느라.


Even highly skilled workers had difficulty finding work during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

고도의 기술을 가진 근로자들조차 / 일을 찾는 데 어려움을 겪었다. / 1930년대의 세계 대공황 동안에.


The future depends on what we do in the present.

미래는 (~에) 달렸다 / 우리가 현재 무엇을 하느냐에.


Your attitude can make all the difference in how your day will begin and end.

당신의 태도는 모든 영향을 줄 수 있다 / 어떻게 당신의 하루가 시작되고 끝날 것인지에.


Be certain of your decision regardless of whether it is a small or significant one.

당신의 결정을 확신하라 / 그것이 사소한 것이든 중요한 것이든 상관없이.


I admire him in that he has overcome his physical disability.

나는 그를 존경한다 / 그가 자신의 신체적 장애를 극복했다는 점에서.


The sun is shining brightly behind the clouds.


Don't be afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.


In traveling abroad, it is necessary to know something of foreign customs.


Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.


People increasingly object to using animals for the testing of cosmetics.


Working parents are busy balancing their work and home responsibilities.


Even highly skilled workers had difficulty finding work during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


The future depends on what we do in the present.


Your attitude can make all the difference in how your day will begin and end.


Be certain of your decision regardless of whether it is a small or significant one.


I admire him in that he has overcome his physical disability.


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