천일문 149~157 직독직해 연습 (3-4)



He thought it better to tell the truth.

그는 (~이) 더 낫다고 생각했다 / 진실을 말하는 것이.


I made it clear that I objected to the proposal.

나는 (~을) 명확하게 했다 / 내가 그 제안에 반대한다는 것을.


I found it difficult to finish the task in two hours.

나는 (~이) 어렵다는 것을 알았다 / 두 시간 만에 그 일을 끝내는 것이.


Many educators believe it wise to emphasize self-directed learning.

많은 교육자들은 (~이) 현명하다고 믿는다 / 자기 주도 학습을 강조하는 것이.


He considered it best to say nothing about the matter.

그는 (~이) 최선이라고 여겼다 / 그 일에 대해 아무 말도 안 하는것이.


As far as I can, I make it a rule to plan for each day's work in the morning.

할 수 있는 한 / 나는 (~을) 규칙으로 하고 있다 / 아침에 그날의 일을 계획하는것을.


I take it for granted that opportunities don't always last.

나는 (~을) 당연하게 여긴다 / 기회가 언제나 계속되는 것은 아니라는 것을.


You should keep it in mind that time and tide wait(s) for no man.

당신은 (~을) 명심해야 한다 / 세월은 사람을 기다려주지 않는다는 것을.


Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

(~을) 네 마음에 써라 / 매일이 그 해의 최고의 날이라고.


He thought it better to tell the truth.


I made it clear that I objected to the proposal.


I found it difficult to finish the task in two hours.


Many educators believe it wise to emphasize self-directed learning.


He considered it best to say nothing about the matter.


As far as I can, I make it a rule to plan for each day's work in the morning.


I take it for granted that opportunities don't always last.


You should keep it in mind that time and tide wait(s) for no man.


Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.


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