천일문 115~125 직독직해 연습(3-1)



Things only change when we want to change them.

상황은 오직 바뀐다 / 우리가 그것들을 바꾸기를 원할 때.


For a happier life, quit living according to others' expectations.

더 행복한 삶을 위해서, / 사는 것을 그만두어라/ 다른 이들의 기대에 따라.


If you decide to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs.

만약 당신이 결심한다면 / 어떤 일을 달성하는 것을, / 무슨 수를 써서라도 그것을 달성하라.


Men never plan to be failures; they simply fail to plan to be successful.

사람은 절대 계획하지 않는다 / 실패자가 되는 것을; / 그들은 단지 실패할 뿐이다 / 성공하기로 계획하는 것을.


Great storytellers manage to grab the attention of the readers from page one.

훌륭한 작가들은 어떻게든 (~을) 해낸다 / 독자들의 관심을 끌어내는 것을 / 1페이지부터.


Some people plant rice in their fields and expect to harvest corn.

어떤 사람들은 자기 밭에 벼를 심는다 / 그리고 옥수수를 수확하는 것을 기대한다.

(자기가 해 놓은 일에 어울리지 않는 결과를 기대한다.)


I don't know what to do.

(= I don't know what I should do.)

나는 모르겠다 / 무엇을 해야 할지.


Can you tell me which bus to take to get to City Hall?

당신은 내게 말해줄 수 있나요 / 어느 버스를 타야 할지를 / 시청에 가려면?


Do not avoid taking responsibility for your actions in any situation.

피하지 마라 / 네 행동에 대해 책임지는 것을 / 어떤 상황에서도.


He didn't admit giving money to local politicians.

그는 시인하지 않았다 / 그 지역 정치인에게 돈을 준 것을.


Many people put off going to the dentist because of their fear of treatment.

많은 사람들은 치과의사에게 가는 것을 미룬다 / 치료에 대한 두려움 때문에.


Things only change when we want to change them.


For a happier life, quit living according to others' expectations.


If you decide to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs.


Men never plan to be failures; they simply fail to plan to be successful.


Great storytellers manage to grab the attention of the readers from page one.


Some people plant rice in their fields and expect to harvest corn.


I don't know what to do.

(= I don't know what I should do.)


Can you tell me which bus to take to get to City Hall?


Do not avoid taking responsibility for your actions in any situation.


He didn't admit giving money to local politicians.


Many people put off going to the dentist because of their fear of treatment.


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